The Marden-Stoner Study on Commonalities
Among UFO Abduction Experiencers
© Kathleen Marden 2013
In 2011, Denise Stoner and I met to discuss the commonalities that alien abduction experiencers share. As longtime abduction investigators/researchers, we were aware of certain repeating patterns of information and characteristics. The pertinent literature, the academic social science studies and the works of David Jacobs, PhD, Thomas Bullard, PhD, and the late Budd Hopkins, John Mack, MD, and others had identified several commonalities among abduction experiencers. But we had not been able to locate an academic study that was specific to our particular interests. I earned a B.A. degree in social work from the University of New Hampshire in 1971, and participated in graduate studies in education at the University of Cincinnati and U.N.H., while working as a teacher and education services coordinator. My primary academic interest has been in social research and psychology. I left my job in 1990 to pursue a career as a UFO investigator, researcher and writer. As the niece of Betty and Barney Hill and witness to the primary evidence and aftermath of their alien abduction in 1961, I had been aware of the UFO phenomenon for more than fifty years.
My book (with nuclear physicist/scientific ufologist Stanton T. Friedman), Captured! The Betty and Barney Hill UFO Experience was published in 2007 and our second book Science Was Wrong was published in 2010. I had surveyed the psychological studies on self identified abduction experiencers for a chapter on alien abduction in SWW and a research paper I prepared for the MUFON 2010 International UFO Symposium Proceedings. In addition to my independent research, I am also Florida MUFON’s Director of Abduction Studies and the National Director of the Abduction Research Team.
Denise has an educational background in business and psychology, and is a certified hypnotist specializing in regressive hypnosis. For 12 years Denise did background investigations for the military on recruits seeking highly classified clearances for work on nuclear submarines. Prior to retirement, Denise moved to a military research facility where she was the training coordinator for several hundred military and civilian employees. For the past several years, Denise has expanded her work with UFO research and investigation. She is an independent abduction researcher and hosts a study group for abduction experiencers and public interest meetings on the UFO phenomenon in general. She is Florida MUFON’s Asst. Director of Abduction Studies and the former Chief Investigator for the state.
At our study’s inception our stated goals were to benefit abduction experiencers by identifying specific traits that they have in common with other experiencers, and to expand the UFO research community’s knowledge of alien abduction phenomena. The most efficient scientific method for obtaining this information, in our opinion, was through the use of simple, straightforward questionnaires, designed to identify commonalities among the UFO abduction experiencers. Each of us brought to the table knowledge of several unique, unpublicized characteristics of the alien abduction experience. The commonalities study would ascertain how widespread these commonalities are across the abduction experiencer population.
We developed three questionnaires: The “UFO Abduction Experiencer Questionnaire” listed 45 multiple choice questions pertaining to experiencer’s demographics, abduction memories, emotional responses, physiological responses, and psychic phenomena. The second questionnaire, the “Abduction Experiencer E.T. Technology Questionnaire” would increase our knowledge of E.T. technology. The third, “Commonalities among Non-Abductees Questionnaire” queried individuals who denied having been abducted by aliens. It was developed after the first two questionnaires had been available for several months, and a commonalities trend had emerged. The 16 multiple choice questions would determine whether or not some of the commonalities among abduction experiencers are common across the general population. We established a minimum sample size of 50 completed questionnaires for abduction experiencers (AE) and 25 for non-abduction experiencers (NAE). There were 54 participants in the “UFO Abduction Experiencer Questionnaire”, but 4 questionnaires could not be tallied because they were too incomplete.
The “Abduction Experiencer E.T. Technology Questionnaire” study is not yet complete, as there have been only 24 responses to date. This can be attributed to the fact that a much smaller percentage of experiencers have clear recall of the craft’s interior and the technology observed. This part of the study is ongoing. Participants for our study were solicited via the MUFON UFO Journal and several alien abduction and UFO oriented websites. We also appeared on several radio shows and invited listeners to participate. Last, there were questionnaires at my vendor table at several UFO conferences and at Denise’s meetings. I posted the questionnaires, a letter of explanation, and an informed consent notice on my website at www.kathleen-marden.com. We communicated to participants that all questionnaires would be kept in a locked and secure location and destroyed at the end of the study. All personal identifying information that was volunteered would remain confidential. As a cautionary measure, we advised all potential participants that they should only complete the questionnaire if they could do so without feeling uncomfortable.
Nearly twice as many women (32), as men (18) completed the “Abduction Experiencer Questionnaire”. Does this indicate that abduction is far more prevalent among women? Not necessarily so. Statistical evidence indicates that men are less likely than women to answer surveys of any kind. But this trend was not supported when we tallied the results of the “Commonalities among Non-Abductees Questionnaire”. The majority of respondents were men (15) as opposed to women (9). If trends in human behavior have not skewed the results, it suggests that more women than men have been abducted by aliens. This finding has been widely reported by other researchers. We were interested in identifying possible trends among age groups, partly due to the fact that a significant number of abduction experiencers in the 50+ age group had reported their experiences to us within recent months. Our intuition was correct. 44% of the AE Group participants were born in the 1950’s, although only 20% of the NAE Group was in the same age group. This figure drops dramatically for those born in the 1940’s (18%) and the 1960’s (26%). Could these statistics indicate that the human abduction program began slowly, perhaps during the 1950’s and 60’s, and was in full swing beginning in the 1970’s? Could this signify that the alien abduction program is winding down? Or could it be that younger people are less likely to fill out questionnaires? Only 12% of the AE Group respondents were under age 40. Yet 24% of the NAE Group was under 40.
We asked each group to identify the size of their area of residence. A survey of the relevant literature indicated that more UFOs were sighted in less populated areas than in large cities in the 1960’s and 70’s. Also, the majority of well investigated, famous abduction cases (Villas Boas, Hill, Walton, Buff Ledge, Casey CO., etc.), took place in rural areas. Yet the late Budd Hopkins wrote of alien abduction in New York City. We wanted to test whether or not a trend could be established.
AE Group—Area of Residence: Rural (15), Small Town (13), Suburban (13 ), Urban (9) . NAE Group—Area of Residence: Rural (3), Small Town (5), Suburban (12), Urban (5)
The AE participants’ area of residence was fairly evenly divided among abduction experiencers, with 30% residing in a rural area, 26% in small towns, 26% in suburbs, and 18% in an urban area. 12% of the NAE group resides in a rural area, 20% in a small town, 48% in the suburbs and 20% in an urban area. These statistics indicate that no trend could be established. Slightly more experiencers (12%) are taken from a rural environment than from an urban area. But the difference is not statistically significant.
We wanted to determine if alien abduction is more prevalent one area of the US than another. . AE Group—Time Zone: Eastern (33), Central (10), Mountain (2), Pacific (4), Eastern Australia (1) . NAE Group—Time Zone: Eastern (20), Central (4), Mountain (0), Pacific (0), British (1)
66% of the AE group resides in the Eastern Time Zone, 20% Central, 4% Mountain, 8% Pacific, and 2% in foreign countries. These statistics are a bit perplexing. We asked, “Are there more abduction experiencers living in the Eastern US than in all other regions combined? Or did more people in the Eastern US listen to our radio interviews?” The NAE questionnaire answered this question. 80% reside in the Eastern Time Zone, 16% Central, 0% Mountain, 0% Pacific, and 4% in Great Britain. The majority of participants in both groups reside in the Eastern US. Therefore, the AE group presents no valid evidence that more experiencers reside in the Eastern US than elsewhere. The majority of abduction experiencers believe that they have been taken repeatedly over a number of years or throughout their lifetime.
We wanted to determine how frequently contact occurs. How many times do you think you’ve been taken?
*1 time only (2), 2-5 (8), 6-10 (4), More than 10 (25), Not certain (8), no answer (3) 64%
25 of 39 of those who could quantify their abductions stated that they have been taken more than 10 times.The next largest group was those who could not state a specific number, followed by the 2-5 range. This is a significant finding because the majority of abduction experiencers believe that their alien contact occurs periodically throughout their lifetime. Only two participants stated that they had been taken only one time. This is interesting because their answers on the questionnaire revealed that they had little in common with multiple abduction experiencers. Many experiencers believe that they have been taken since they were small children. We asked for this information.
* Age when first abduction occurred? Under 5 (18), 5-9 (10), 10-19 (7), Over 20 (7), Not sure (8) 83%
35 of 42 of the respondents who could qualify their age at the time of their first abduction indicated that they were under age 20 when their first abduction occurred. 51% (18 of 35) were under 5. In another question we asked how frequently their visitations had occurred. 68% stated that their abductions occurred most frequently when they were under age 30. However, a surprising 21% of the over 40 group stated that their contacts are still frequent. A clear pattern of frequency across all age groups could not be established. Only 20% stated that they had been taken more than one time per month. An equal number are not sure how often they’ve been visited by ETs. Others replied from one time per month to 2-3 times per year.
Abduction Memories
This section of the questionnaire is divided into four parts with subcategories. 1. Conscious recall 2. Emotional responses 3. Physiological responses 4. Psi phenomena
Conscious recall
88% stated that their abduction memories were consciously recalled; 56% through dreams; 36% through hypnosis; 16% through other means such as flashbacks.
67% stated that they consciously recalled (not with hypnosis), the observation of an unconventional craft at less than 1000 feet prior to an abduction. . 56% stated that they consciously recalled (not with hypnosis), the observation of non-human entities immediately prior to an abduction while they were outside their home. 76% indicated that they were not alone when they were taken.
62% of the witnesses had conscious recall for at least part of the experience.
43% stated that witnesses reported the observation of a UFO near their house, vehicle, tent, etc. prior to or during their abduction.
58% stated that they are aware of having been examined on an alien craft.
These highly significant statistics reveal that the majority of the respondents had conscious recall of at least one abduction experience and were not alone when it occurred. More than half remembered observing a craft at less than 1000 feet and non-human entities prior to at least one abduction experience. We are often led by media sources to believe that the majority of abduction experiencers are procured exclusively from their bedrooms and have no witnesses. The Marden-Stoner study indicates that this perception is false.
Emotional Responses
(These open ended questions were not conducive to statistical analysis.)
We asked, “What is your typical response to abduction?” More than one response was permitted. The most predominant reply was fear (26), followed by curiosity (23). 12 indicated that they felt despair and 11 felt pleasure. (More than one response was permitted.)
We asked, “How did you feel after an abduction experience?” 15 stated that they felt angry. 15 felt tired, exhausted or physically drained and unwell. 11 were fearful. Only 3 felt peaceful.
We wanted to test several hypotheses pertaining to emotional stability as a factor in alien abduction experiences. Is there an increased sense of sadness among experiencers? Are there more mood swings among this group? Is there mood consistency throughout one’s lifetime? Respondents were permitted to check more than one answer.
* AE Group—On a daily basis, how would you describe your mood? Happy (15), Sad (7), Frequent mood swings (6), Without unusual highs and lows (25)
* NAE Group –On a daily basis, how would you describe your mood? Happy (15), Sad (0), Frequent mood swings (4), Without unusual highs and lows (6).
* AE Group—As a child, how would you describe your mood? Happy (13), Sad (13), Frequent mood swings (5), Without unusual highs and lows (14), Anxious (7).
* NAE Group—As a child, how would you describe your mood? Happy (10), Sad (0), Frequent mood swings (4), Without unusual highs and lows (10), Anxious (2).
The majority of respondents in both groups stated that they are happy or do not have unusual highs or lows. It is interesting that a higher percentage of the NAE group reported frequent mood swings on a daily basis than the AE group. But a small percentage of the the AE group reported that they experienced more sadness as adults. Several of the “sad” and “frequent mood swings” AE respondents reported that they had been the victims of childhood abuse. Their feelings of sadness and their mood swings have persisted throughout their lifetime. This group was more likely to report abuse by their ET captors. Additionally, those who reported traumatic memories of being abused by ETs are more likely to feel sad as adults. The majority of respondents reported that they used one or more coping mechanisms to deal with their fear or anxiety due to their abduction experiences. Only 3 reported that they have no fear. Coping mechanisms that give relief to experiencers include talking with a supportive, non- judgmental person, meditation or relaxation exercises, prayer and writing about their experiences.
We were interested in the sleep patterns of abduction experiencers. Did they have difficulty falling asleep and/or staying asleep? Could this be related to a fear of abduction? Or were other factors involved?
* Do you have difficulty falling asleep? Yes (37) No (13) . Staying asleep? Yes (35), No (14). (1 respondent did not answer the second part of the question.)
74% of the AE group had difficulty falling asleep and 71% had difficulty staying asleep. 7 of the 8 people (16%) who indicated that they sleep well throughout the night attributed it to overcoming their fear of abduction. This is a very small percentage, but it might be an indicator that the loss of fear improves sleep quality. Only 1 person who reported the absence of fear has difficulty falling and staying asleep and that person is in the 60+ group. We speculated that since 44% of the respondents are in the 50-59 group, and since older people tend to experience more sleep problems, that the results might have been skewed by this factor. The evidence did not bear this out. In fact, 5 of the restful sleepers are in the 50-59 age range. It is interesting, however, that all but one person in the over 60 group reported sleep problems regardless of whether or not they were fearful. 2 individuals in the under 40 group reported that they do not have sleep difficulties, and neither has a fear of abduction. The remaining 4 had difficulty falling asleep, but once they were asleep they were able to sleep through the night. (These questions were not on the NAE questionnaire.)
Physiological Responses
Alien implants have been widely reported in UFO abduction literature thanks to the work of Dr. Roger Leir and Derrel Sims. We wanted to ascertain the percentage of experiencers that suspected they have a palpable alien implant. It was also important to us to ask where the implants are located in the human body. 40 of the 50 respondents replied to this question. . We asked, “Can you feel a foreign object in your body that you suspect is an alien implant?” Yes (21), No (19). If yes, where is it located? 53% believe that they can feel an alien implant in their body. The majority of participants indicated that it is located in their head, including the following: temple, eye, nose, behind ear, inside ear, groin, and eyebrow. Other areas mentioned are in the spine, lower leg, hand, chest and vagina. Unexplained marks, such as patterned bruises, scoop marks, puncture wounds, and rashes are commonly reported by abduction experiencers. (I am collecting and cataloging experiencers’ photographic evidence.)
* AE Group—Have you awoken with unexplained marks on your body?” Yes (40), No (8), No answer (2)
* NAE Group—Have you awoken with unexplained marks on your body? Yes (5), No (20).
A highly significant 83% of the AE Group stated that they had awoken with unexplained marks on their bodies, whereas only 20% of the NAE group replied in the affirmative. Long, thin bruises were most often found on women’s calves, thighs or buttocks, suggesting finger marks. Patterned bruises were found on the upper arm. Scoop marks were reported on arms, ankles, behind knees, or on feet. Puncture wounds were found on hands and rib cages, although one woman reported a vaginal puncture wound. Burn marks were on upper backs and sunburn like rashes were reported, sometimes on the entire body.
Several participants mentioned plastic-like filaments, the size of a strand of hair, coming from various locations on their bodies.
We asked,” Has your nose bled immediately following an abduction? Yes (26), No (23), not sure (1) A significant 52% replied in the affirmative.
Several mentioned significant scarring in their nasal cavity that had been of concern to their physicians. One mentioned that his physician found a strange metal object high in the respondent’s nasal passage.
We asked, “Have you noticed strange skin rashes immediately following an abduction?” Yes (17), No (29), Not sure (4)
37% of those who answered yes or no have noticed rashes on their body following an encounter. Earlier in the history of alien abduction, burns on one’s neck or upper back, hair loss and conjunctivitis were reported. An example of this is the 1976 Casey County, KY abduction of Elaine Thomas, Louise Smith and Mona Stafford. We wanted to know if these problems have persisted.
We asked, “Have you ever suffered burns, hair loss, or conjunctivitis following an abduction?” Yes (11), No (34), Not sure (4)
22% of the respondents stated that they had suffered burns, hair loss or conjunctivitis following an abduction experience. One participant stated that her sunburn-like rash was accompanied by a pins and needles tingling sensation after an abduction in 1978. She and several others reported that one or both eyes were red and swollen following a contact experience. One participant stated that she suffered a combination of all three physical affects in 1988. We were interested in determining whether or not participants had undergone changes in their blood chemistry or bleeding disorders after an abduction experience.
We asked, “Has your doctor noted changes in your blood chemistry, blood clotting easily, or bleeding too freely after an abduction?” Yes (9), No (41)
One respondent was diagnosed with a clotting disorder. Another mentioned problems with vitamin D and iron absorption. Others mentioned consistently high white blood cell counts.
Our next question did not pertain specifically to our research findings and we did not anticipate the result.
* AE Group—Do you crave excessive amounts of salt? Yes (29), No (18), No answer (3)
* NAE Group—Do you crave excessive amounts of salt? Yes (3), No (22)
62% of the AE Group craves salt, whereas only 12% of the NAE Group does. Dehydration is the most common cause of salt cravings. Although rare, Addison’s disease is caused when the adrenal gland does not produce enough of the hormone cortisol. One might speculate that if the adrenal glands are continually tapped by ongoing stress due to alien abduction, it could lead to adrenal distress that is characterized by symptoms of fatigue, insomnia and salt cravings. However, this is another condition that is best studied by the medical community.
The following questions regarding physical affects were on the questionnaire. The answers are self explanatory.
After your abduction did you notice any of the following? 1.More acute hearing? Yes 28% 2.More sensitive to light? Yes 56% 3.More allergies? Yes 36% 4.More fluctuation in your mood? Yes 34%
Has your doctor noted changes in your blood chemistry, such as blood clotting easily, or bleeding too freely after an abduction? Yes 18%, No 82%
The following questions were asked of the AE and NAE Groups:
* AE Group—Do you suffer from migraine headaches? Yes (20), No (26), No reply (4)
* NAE Group—Do you suffer from migraine headaches? Yes (2), No (23) 43%
20 of 46 of the AE Group suffers from migraine headaches (moderate to severe pulsing headaches that last 4-72 hours and worsen with physical activity, whereas only 8% of the NAE Group does. Medical studies indicate that only 10-12% of the general population suffers from migraines. This is a highly significant finding indicating that abduction experiencers suffer from migraine headaches at a considerably higher rate than the non-abduction experiencers that participated in our study, and the general population.
Gynecological problems among female abduction experiencers have been widely reported in UFO abduction literature. We wanted to obtain statistics on the prevalence of these disorders.
* AE Group—If you are a female, have you experienced gynecological problems? Yes (22), No (10)
* NAE Group—If you are a female, have you experienced gynecological problems? Yes (3 ), No (6)
A significant 69% of the AE Group reported that they had experienced gynecological problems, whereas 33% of the NAE Group made the same report. Two respondents from the AE Group mentioned that they had tested positive for pregnancy, but then were not pregnant, and there was no cramping or bleeding. The sample size in the NAE Group is too small to draw an acceptable comparison. We found it interesting, however, that three of the women in this group that answered “yes” had more in common with the AE group than the NAE group on all of the questions.
Several years ago, a study revealed that a high percentage of abduction experiencers suffer from Chronic Fatigue and Immune Dysfunction Syndrome, sometimes called Chronic or Reactivating Mononucleosis. Affecting less than 1% of the US population, CFIDS can be a devastating disorder. 2.5% of the US population has the symptoms, but no formal diagnosis. These include debilitating fatigue that is not improved by bed rest; problems with concentration and short term memory; flu-like symptoms; word finding problems; reading retention difficulties; and ambulation difficulties due to balance problems. It is not a depressive disorder. Medical researchers have noted immune, neurological, and endocrine abnormalities in CFIDS sufferers. 25% of sufferers are bedridden and 50% cannot work during flare-ups. We decided to revisit this question when we asked the following:
Have you been diagnosed as having Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or Reactivated Mononucleosis? Yes (18), No (30).
Two respondents stated that they CFIDS symptoms but no formal diagnosis. 38% of the participants in our study have a CFIDS or RM diagnosis, whereas less than 1% of the US population has this diagnosis. This is a highly significant finding. Reports of such a high rate of CFIDS among abduction experiencers should be taken seriously by the medical community. One has to wonder if the alien environment is causing illness among humans. Are the ET’s experiments passing this syndrome to experiencers? Could it be caused by the alien technology that allows the transfer of a human body through a solid structure? Is it an adrenal response caused by one’s persistent fear of abduction? Is it the result of a sleep disorder? Is it a retrovirus created by ETs?
Psi Phenomena
Psi phenomena, such as telepathy, clairvoyance, psychokinesis, psychic healing, out of body experiences, etc. have long been associated with the alien abduction phenomenon. It is both perplexing and troubling to investigators. Many are not inclined to investigate reports of events that seem more like imagination than reality. Some consider it an embarrassment to the scientific study of UFOs and would prefer to sweep it under the rug. Others feel that they are not equipped to investigate psi phenomena. Yet, abduction experiencers consistently report being transported through solid surfaces, telepathic communication, light orbs that expand into non-human entities, poltergeist activity in their homes (soon after a contact experience), and new psychic abilities. In an attempt not to lead the participants to specific information we referred to these phenomena as “paranormal” rather than ghost related, mystical or psychic. The Free Dictionary defines paranormal as “Beyond the range of normal experience or scientific explanation.” We developed 7 questions pertaining to these phenomena.
* AE Group—Have you witnessed paranormal activity in your home? Yes (43), No (6), No answer (1). If so, please describe it.
* NAE Group—Have you witnessed paranormal activity in your home? Yes (11) 44%, No (14) 56%. If so, please describe it.
88% of the abduction experiencers reported that they had witnessed paranormal activity in their homes, including light orbs that dart or float through the air. Sometimes the orbs pop like a bubble into 1-3 ETs. Many reported poltergeist activity such as household items flying through the air, pictures flying off walls, lights turning off and on, windows opening and closing, doors opening and closing and toilets flushing on their own. 44% of the NAE Group reported paranormal activities in their homes, but there was a slight variation between the AE and the NAE Groups. They reported ghosts, shadow people, spirits, mist clouds, strange sounds, strange odors, and cold spots. One respondent reported light orbs, but she had all of the characteristics of an abduction experiencer. A small percentage (4%) of the AE group reported ghost-like activity such as invisible beings that had weight in their beds and temperature changes in their home environment. For example, a room was 56 degrees although the thermostat was set at 83 degrees. We were struck by and hadn’t anticipated the high percentage (44%) of paranormal activity reports by the NAE Group, as early on in this part of the study only a tiny percentage of the NAE group had reported paranormal activity. This increased dramatically following my interview on a popular paranormal radio show. In order to determine whether or not the paranormal activity is directly tied to the alien abduction experience, we asked:
Did it begin prior to or after your first abduction? Prior to (13), After (22), Not sure (3), no answer (5)
It is significant that 51% of the participants reported that their paranormal activity began after their first abduction experience. Many commented that this activity is not ongoing, but occurs immediately prior to or after a contact event.
The next question pertains to telepathic communication. We were interested in determining whether or not all communication between the “visitors” and the experiencers was telepathic.
* AE Group—Have you ever received telepathic messages from your visitors? Yes (44), No (6)
* NAE Group—Have you ever received telepathic messages? Yes (8), No (17 )
A statistically significant 88% of the AE Group reported telepathic communication with their visitors, whereas only 32% of the non-experiencers reported telepathic communication. Many experiencers reported that they “sensed” a contact experience was about to occur or received a telepathic message prior to its onset. It is interesting to note that 2 of those who answered “No” reported having only one abduction experience.
We asked those who answered yes, “Was the telepathic communication related to an abduction experience? Yes (30), No (2), not sure (1), No answer (11).
91% of those in the EA Group that answered the question replied in the affirmative. The next two questions are closely related.
Are you more or less “sensitive” or intuitive than you were prior to your abduction experience? More (36 ), Less (0), about the same (8), Not sure (6)
Did you develop new psychic abilities after your abduction experience? Yes (26), No (7), Maybe (2), No answer (15)
72% stated that they are more sensitive or intuitive than they were prior to contact. 79% stated that they developed new psychic abilities after a contact experience. One person reported that they have always been psychic and another noted that his or her psychic abilities increased. The following question was worded to ask whether or not abduction experiencers discovered that they had the ability to heal others following an abduction experience.
Do you feel you have been given a gift of healing following an abduction experience? Yes (25), No (18), Don’t know (5), No answer (1)
50% stated that noted that they were able to heal others for at least a short period following an abduction experience. This gift persisted for an extended period of time for some of the participants, but not for others. 2% mentioned that they had always been healers.
Kay Wilson, a well-known abduction experiencer, had written about her “invisibility” experience in an airport and two additional abduction experiencers reported to us that they, at times, felt literally invisible. We decided to determine whether or not others have experienced this sensation by asking, “Do you ever feel that you are literally invisible and others can’t see you? It is interesting that 25% answered in the affirmative.
Blood types, Rh factors, and ancestral genetic links have long been of interest to alien abduction researchers. We decided to inquire about blood types. . AE Group—What is your blood type? A (17), B (1), O (10), AB (1) Positive? (15) Negative? (8 ) . NAE Group—What is your blood type? A (9), B (1), O (6), AB (2). Positive? (10) Negative? (2 ) 29 AE Group participants responded to the question. Of these 59% is type A and 34% is type O. Because 66% of the respondents reside in the Eastern Time Zone, we researched the distribution of blood types throughout the US. It is estimated that 20-25% of the US population residing in the Northeast and East-Central has type A blood and 70-80% are type O. Does this indicate that there is an elevated percentage of A blood types among abduction experiencers? We compared our statistics to the NAE Group and found that 50% are type A and 33% type O. This indicates that the majority of participants in both groups are type A regardless of whether or not they have experienced alien abduction. We then evaluated the Rh factor knowing that 85% of all humans have Rh+ blood types. We found an elevated percentage of Rh- Factor (35%) among abduction experiencers. The Stanford School of Medicine Blood Center reports that 6.3% of their collected blood types are A negative and 6.6% are O negative. This elevated percentage among abduction experiencers could be significant. Among the NAE Group 83% had a positive Rh factor and 17% were negative indicating that both groups had elevated Rh negative blood types. It is interesting that a significantly higher percentage (18%) of AE Group reported a negative RH factor than in the NAE Group. However, many participants did not know their blood type, so the sample size is too small to be considered statistically reliable.
Throughout the history of alien abduction electrical malfunctions have been widely reported. We decided to address this issue in our questionnaire.
* AE Group—Following an abduction, did you ever experience malfunctions of electrical equipment such as lights, digital watches, computers, etc? Yes (34), No (16)
* NAE Group—Have you ever experienced malfunctions of electrical equipment such as lights, digital watches, computers, etc. for no obvious reason? Yes (8), No (17)
68% of the AE Group reported experiencing malfunctions of electrical equipment, whereas only 32% of the NAE Group had the same experience. The AE Group reported malfunctioning computers, watches, appliances, radios, televisions, cameras and compasses. Some reported that light bulbs blow out or blink off and on and the hands on their watches spin. One participant stated that the time clock at his place of employment malfunctions only for him. The NAE group mentioned that street lights blink out when they drive or walk under them. This has also been reported to me by abduction experiencers. Another stated that when she became emotionally upset light bulbs would “shoot in the room I was standing in.” Both groups reported that televisions, appliances and computers would automatically switch themselves off and on.
Conclusion and Discussion
After we had excluded the demographic information and the open ended questions, we were left with 37 questions that could be analyzed for correlating information. Of these we found 23 positive, statistically significant correlations among abduction experiencers. A pattern emerged indicating that the majority of abduction experiencers had conscious recall of at least one event and were with a witness who also recalled the experience. They had a close encounter with an unconventional craft and sometimes observed its occupants. They are aware of having been examined aboard a craft and were left with perplexing, unexplained marks on their bodies. Slightly more than half had a nose bleed immediately after an experience. Women reported an elevated percentage of gynecological problems that appear to be related to reproductive procedures performed by alien entities. The vast majority was revisited—some more than 10 times—and was taken from their homes to an alien craft. Often the abduction experiencers sensed an impending visitation by alien entities before it occurred. The mode of communication between alien entities and humans is almost entirely telepathic. A new psychic awareness has emerged in the majority of experiencers and about half have found that they now have new healing abilities. Immediately before or soon after a visitation they become aware of paranormal activity in their homes, such as light orbs, objects flying through the air or from walls, doors opening and closing without assistance, etc. The majority noticed malfunctioning electrical equipment, appliances, watches, computers, TVs, radios, cameras, etc. Slightly more than half developed a new sensitivity to light and now crave salt. They feel a foreign object in their body and are fearful of being abducted again. Most have difficulty falling asleep and remaining asleep throughout the night. Those who have resolved their fearfulness are more likely to sleep restfully.
Finally, we want to express our sincere gratitude to those who participated in this study. It wasn’t an easy task. We asked them to visit my website and copy the 45 question or 16 question form. Then we requested that they fill in the multiple choice questions and add their comments and accounts of their personal experiences that would elucidate us regarding their specific information. They were then asked to mail their questionnaires to me or to return them via email. Although it required some effort on their part, it reduced the possibility that hoaxers would intentionally sabotage the study. In the end, we were very pleased with the knowledge we gained and the opportunity it gave us to support abduction experiencers and expand the UFO research community’s knowledge of the alien abduction phenomenon.
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