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Kathleen Marden’s insatiable interest in UFOs and ET contact began in 1961 when her aunt and uncle Betty and Barney Hill had a close encounter and UFO abduction in New Hampshire’s White Mountains. She was thirteen years old. As a family member, Kathleen gained firsthand knowledge of Betty’s and Barney’s UFO encounter on the day they arrived home and two days later, she visited the Hill’s home and examined the physical evidence. She has devoted years to painstaking investigation of the Hills' anomalous events and archival research on their UFO abduction. As the trustee of Betty’s estate, she selected the files from Betty’s collection that are now housed in a permanent archive at the Milne Special Collections Library, UNH Library, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH. She was instrumental in the development of a State of New Hampshire historical marker to commemorate the Hills’ UFO experience.
She earned a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of New Hampshire in 1971 and engaged in graduate studies at the University of Cincinnati and UNH while working as an educator and education services coordinator. She is a member of the Alpha Kappa Delta Sociology Honor Society. She left her profession in 1988 and began her formal investigation of her family’s UFO encounters, paranormal experiences, the history of government involvement in the study of UFOs, and the CIA funded Robertson Panel’s decision to disseminate false information to the public concerning the UFO presence. She investigated an apparent concerted effort to conduct a psychological intimidation and disinformation campaign against the Hills and other UFO abductees/ET contact experiencers of similar status.
She is a benefactor of the Mutual UFO Network and has held two national positions. She is presently a research consultant to the ERT. MUFON recognized Kathleen’s contributions by presenting her with its researcher of the year trophy. In 2015, MUFON dedicated its Symposium Proceedings to her and her team for “working tirelessly to help experiencers from around the world get the help they need to cope with the extraordinary events happening to them in their lives.” She is also the recipient of the International UFO Congress Lifetime Achievement Award.
She has engaged in scholarly research on academic studies focused on UFO abductees/experiencers and authored numerous papers on her investigative research. Additionally, she has engaged in scholarly work on academic studies pertaining to hypnosis and earned certificates as a hypnotherapist and the Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique practitioner.
During her years as a UFO researcher, she worked on three studies on nearly 5,000 experiencers (Marden-Stoner, Edgar Mitchell FREE, MUFON ERT) with several PhD researchers. She sat on FREE’s advisory board and worked directly on the MUFON ERT’s study on 516 ET contact experiencers. She and Don C. Donderi, PhD (McGill University, retired) worked on phase 2 of MUFON’s Experiencer Survey, the American Personality Inventory. Additionally, she collaborates with academic professionals in their search for answers.
Kathleen is the author or coauthor of several books. Her bestseller with scientific ufologist and lecturer Stanton T. Friedman, MSc. (1934-2019) is Captured! The Betty and Barney Hill UFO Experience. They coauthored two additional books Science Was Wrong (published in Chinese) and Fact, Fiction, and Flying Saucers. Her book with Denise Stoner The Alien Abduction Files includes her investigation of six inter-generational cases of ET contact. Her fifth book Extraterrestrial Contact: What to do When You’ve Been Abducted is a comprehensive guide on UFO abduction phenomena and a self-help book for UFO abductees (published in French and English). In 2021 she updated and authored new sections in the 60th anniversary edition of Captured! The Betty and Barney Hill UFO Experience. She has authored two editions of Forbidden Knowledge: A Personal Journey from Alien Abduction to Spiritual Transformation (2022 and 2024). As a scholarly researcher, she has conducted extensive research in physical and online archives.
She has appeared as an on-camera expert on dozens of television and video productions, and innumerable radio shows, and podcasts. Additionally, she has presented at conferences across the United States and in several foreign countries.
See her website at www.kathleen-marden.com
Praise for Kathleen’s work:
Once again, author and investigator Kathleen Marden has made a remarkable contribution to the world of serious UFO literature. This wealth of practical, well-documented information contained in Extraterrestrial Contact: What to Do When You’ve Been Abducted will be invaluable to experiencers and abductees as well as to educators, mental health professionals, and serious students of ufology worldwide. ~ Peter Robbins, author, investigative writer, and long-time assistant to pioneer UFO abduction researcher Budd Hopkins (published in “Extraterrestrial Contact.”)
Kathleen continues to be a leader in the search into the mystifying saga of paranormal contact. She is a notable presenter on the phenomena, and her groundbreaking work cannot be ignored. I admire Kathleen. ~ Derrel Sims, RHA, CMHt, The Alien Hunter (published in “Extraterrestrial Contact.”
Kathleen Marden is not only the niece of Betty and Barney Hill but is also one of the leading UFO researchers of our time. Her collaboration with the legendary researcher Stanton Friedman has resulted in the definitive work on the most important UFO abduction case of the twentieth century. ~ Richard Dolan, historian, UFO researcher, and author (published in the 60th anniversary update on “Captured! The Betty and Barney Hill UFO Experience.”)
It is a difficult path to report news from the tangled web of government denial policies about non-human interactions with this planet. But ultimately, the official phony denials can't last forever in the face of so many first-hand human experiences and testimonies since the historic 1961 Betty and Barney Hill encounter with non-humans in New Hampshire that left physical residue of dress stains, scuffed shoe tops and an odd pattern of shiny circles on top of their car’s trunk. Betty's niece, Kathleen Marden, and her coauthor Denise Stoner, now add from their alien abduction files more meticulously investigated high strangeness with nonhuman entities in the lives of two American families that have been physically, mentally, and spiritually affected, as so many thousands of other families have been for more than 50 years. Each new voice adds pressure to the question: When will Earth life be publicly introduced to other cosmic life? ~ Linda Moulton Howe, Emmy Award-winning journalist, author, reporter, and editor of Earthfiles.com, (published in “The Alien Abduction Files”)
I have known Kathy Marden for several years, lecturing at conferences together, co-presenting on expert abduction panels, and responding to questions from anxious audiences. She is a highly respected colleague for her work, her experience, and her knowledge. ~ Yvonne Smith, CHT, President, CERO International, and author (published in “Extraterrestrial Contact”)
There can never be enough praise for Kathleen Marden and her work, which will bring us closer to unraveling the abduction mystery and empower people from all walks of life to shine the light on this reality. ~ Yvonne Smith, CHT, President, CERO International, author (published in “Extraterrestrial Contact”)

Kathleen Marden's Website (articles, transcripts, photos, and sketches) are ©Copyrighted by Kathleen Marden 2023